
Creating Teacher Champions: Another Educator Graduates In The NT!

Young Change Agents is passionate about supporting Australian educators. Our aim is to work alongside educators to strengthen their work, building their capacity in social enterprise and design thinking so they are champions in their communities and beyond.


We use a four-stage process to build sustainability from the beginning:

1. Immersion into our program, to build empathy and deeper understanding

2. Online learning modules and communications platform for educators

3. Co-facilitation of the program with Young Change Agents to support where needed

4. Championing our program across theirs and other schools/ contexts


We recognise one of our teachers from the Northern Territory, Yvette Kennedy - a fantastic champion of educator capacity building and youth social entrepreneurship!


Yvette is an alumnus of Teach for Australia in Darwin and a passionate teacher of Business, Humanities and English at Taminmin High School, Humpty Doo.

Yvette immersed herself into the Young Change Agents Explorer program at Taminmin High School in 2018, after which she became a proactive supporter of youth social entrepreneurship. Yvette completed Young Change Agents’ teacher e-learning modules in 2019, after attending two teacher training sessions that were run by Young Change Agents and supported by the NT Department of Education.

Yvette then adapted Young Change Agents’ modules and curriculum to the Stage 1 SACE Year 11 Business Innovation subject, sharing those resources across other Business teachers across NT for them to use. In this, Yvette has been one of our most proactive champions with teachers and NT Department of Education staff.

Most recently, Yvette co-facilitated a Young Change Agents/ Academy of Enterprising Girls program with Young Change Agents’ support, doing an amazing job at leading the program with her students and inspiring a passion for social enterprise in them moving forwards!


Our favourite reflection from Yvette:

“Young Change Agents resources and materials are much more hands-on and innovative compared to the way I’ve taught business in the past. Students can learn by doing rather than being lectured at. I’ve found that’s really resonated with students. They’re able to solve problems that are relevant in their lives and this gives them a sense of agency over the issues that matter to them. Students, teachers and community members should learn design thinking so they can better solve problems in their local communities. Youth social entrepreneurship gives teachers and students a way to connect with their communities and the issues that really matter to them”.


Yvette, a huge thanks to you for your support! It’s ecosystem champions like you who enable youth to have their voices heard, build their critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and collaboration skills, and amplify the impact of social enterprise as a way to solve the challenges that youth see around them.


Reach out to us if you’re interested in more information about being an educator champion or YCA program supporter in your region!